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Community News
Driving less and pedaling more helps reduce carbon emissions. Our reporter went to the Florida Bike Summit to learn how we can all make our communities safer for biking.
Ocoee city manager: None of the five cities advocates not having a trained, sworn law enforcement officer in these schools to protect students.
Records indicate substantial history in Brevard County
Ocoee waiting on guidance from Florida EPA.
Nightspots can buy permit to continue pouring till 2 a.m. for $250.
City to refocus efforts on reducing, reusing items to limit waste headed to landfill.
Average increase of $43 expected over five years.
Street video reveals discrepancies in arrest affidavit.
Homeowners in the floodplain will get a 5 percent discount starting in October; city leaders want to boost that to 15 percent in 2025.
“Juneteenth reminds each of us of the precious promises of freedom, equality and opportunities.”